Peer Scholars workshops return with great online offerings

Grandjean, Martin (2014). "La connaissance est un réseau". Les Cahiers du Numérique 10 (3): 37-54. DOI:10.3166/LCN.10.3.37-54

Peer Scholars workshops are run through the NC State University Libraries and led by postdoctoral scholars and graduate students with specific research skills, including (but not limited to) design, programming, analytics, immersive technologies, visualization, and data analytics.

For the fall 2020 semester, all Peer Scholars workshops will be held online. We are continuing to schedule workshops throughout the semester, so visit the program page to see new offerings. 

Peer Scholars workshop currently scheduled for the fall 2020 semester are:

Creating Your Literature Review - Research Strategies
Thursday, Aug. 27, 5:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Introduction to Social Network Analysis - Part 1 of 3
Thursday, Sept. 24, 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Introduction to Social Network Analysis - Part 2 of 3
Thursday, Oct. 1, 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Introduction to Social Network Analysis - Part 3 of 3
Thursday, Oct. 8, 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

If you have further questions about the workshops, please contact Shaun Bennett.